Relating K and Phi
In geotechnical engineering we commonly have to determine the load the ground exerts on a structure. Two of the main parameters used to determine that are the coefficient of lateral earth pressure (
The relationships
Two of the more common equations used to relate the OCR with
Wroth (1975) Equation
Mayne & Kulhawy (1982) Equation
Resulting in:
In the equations above, there are three variables:
And I used the python library plotly
to make contour plots (Mayne on the left, Wroth on the right):
The script
# Import third party libraries
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as pio
from utilities.plotting_template import local_theme
pio.templates.default = local_theme
# Write functions to represent equations
def get_k0nc_jacky(phi: float) -> float:
return 1 - np.sin(np.deg2rad(phi))
def get_k0oc_wroth(phi: float, OCR: float, v: float) -> float:
return OCR * (get_k0nc_jacky(phi)) - (v * (OCR - 1)) / (1 - v)
def get_k0oc_mayne(phi: float, OCR: float) -> float:
return get_k0nc_jacky(phi) * OCR ** (np.sin(np.deg2rad(phi)))
# Define range of values for phi and OCR
phi = np.linspace(0, 45) # Creates a array of 100 values from 0 to 45
OCR = np.linspace(0, 5.5) # Creates a array of 100 values from 0 to 5.5
# Define poisson's ratio to be used in `get_k0oc_wroth()`
v = 0.25
# Vectorize equations so that they can be used to create a numpy 2D array
vec_get_k0oc_wroth = np.vectorize(pyfunc=get_k0oc_wroth)
vec_get_k0oc_mayne = np.vectorize(pyfunc=get_k0oc_mayne)
# Create 2D arrays from the equations
k0oc_wroth = vec_get_k0oc_wroth(phi=phi, OCR=OCR, v=v)
k0oc_mayne = vec_get_k0oc_mayne(phi=phi, OCR=OCR)
# Plot contours for both methods
def plot_countour(OCR: np.ndarray, phi: np.ndarray, k0oc: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
fig = go.Figure(
contours=dict(start=0, end=1, size=0.05, showlabels=True),
xaxis=dict(title=dict(text="OCR, unitless", standoff=5), tickfont=dict(size=12),dtick=0.5),
yaxis=dict(title=dict(text="Effective Friction Angle, deg", standoff=5), dtick=5),
margin=dict(t=10, b=10, l=40, r=0)
return fig
fig_mayne = plot_countour(OCR, phi, k0oc_mayne)
fig_wroth= plot_countour(OCR, phi, k0oc_wroth)